The best front-end framework is very beginner friendly to use for now

the bes front end begginer friendly

Beginners sometimes don't dare to use a framework to build a website, even though using a framework makes work much faster.

By using an application framework website, it will make our website more interactive, the User Interface better, and many features that we can use to create a modern website, beginners must be more active to explore their abilities by trying new frameworks, so that they can know the fundamentals of the front-end application framework. In fact, they only need one framework to learn, and later it will be easy to use other frameworks.

Here's a list of frameworks that I recommend for beginners:

1. ReactJs


React is a component-based JavaScript framework used to develop dynamic interfaces (UIs) or visuals.

Why reactjs? Cause reactjs has many users, so when we have problems using reactjs, we can ask any problem about this framework in existing forums (fb, reddit, kaskus, and many more), reactjs will be easier to learn if someone has basic programming language that uses the compiler method.

When learning reactjs, I recommend not equating this framework with creating HTML/PHP websites, even though the results from reactjs will also be HTML files. So you have to focus on cases, for example creating a todo app, note app, and other simple websites, I also recommend not separating components into file parts, this will make it easier for you to learn.

Beginners should also use component functionals (which there are no classes), because it is so easy to use like we create a multiplication function, then beginner is no need to think about the Document Object Model (DOM), because reactjs has thought and done. Here's an example of a reactjs script:

 Reactjs Features:
  • Declarative: Create an interactive UI, so that the process
  • React Native (React-only renderer): Allows code to be used in two apps at once, namely Android and iOS with just one block of code.
  • Virtual DOM: Used to store various code changes.
  • Libraries Integration:Can be linked and shared with various JavaScript-based libraries.
  • JSX (JavaScript XML): JavaScript syntax extension for easy DOM modification with HTML code.
  • Flux: An application architecture that controls the flow of data to components via a single point of control, namely the operator.
  • React Views: To see the results of the program being built.

When you build an app with Reactjs, every single page is a component that can be broken down into smaller components. So you can develop the view (UI) in more detail per component., that's why React is perfect for developing interactive social media displays, as seen on the Facebook app and website.

react facebook

2. VueJs

vuejs framework

Vuejs is one of the most popular frameworks. Because based on Stack Overflow research, 17.3% of developers use this framework. 66% said they were interested in continuing to use Vue in their projects.

Vuejs is a progressive JavaScript framework for building interactive interfaces. And this JS framework is developed under the MIT License, where you can modify and use this framework for websites with commercial or personal purposes.

Vuejs Features:

  • Templates: Vue provides HTML-based templates that serve to bind the DOM with Vue data.
  • Virtual DOM: DOM aka Document Object Model is a view that can help you add content. With the virtual DOM, you can change the content without affecting the original content. The new content will appear if you save the changes.
  • CSS transitions and animations: With this feature, you can attach transitions to HTML elements. Especially when the elements are updated, added, or removed in the DOM.
  • Data binding: This feature can help you add values ​​to HTML attributes.
  • Routing: This feature is used to link one page to another. You can also use this feature to create a Single Page Application website.
  • Computed properties: This is a feature that will help you see any changes made to UI elements.
  • Watcher: Handles data changes to keep code simple.

Ninetendo adalah salah satu perusahaan besar yang menggunakan framework VueJs untuk perusahaannya, didalam website nintendo berisi toko, berita, bahakan ada game onlinenya juga.

ninetendo react
Conclusion: don't feel shy to ask, because we are used to being shy, keep learning even though we are very behind.

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